Austin Playhouse presents the Austin premiere of This Random World, written by local and nationally renowned playwright Steven Dietz. Mining the comedy of missed connections, this funny, intimate, and heartbreaking play, subtitled “the myth of serendipity,” explores the lives that may be happening just out of reach of our own. From dirty diners to beautiful Japanese temples to possibly haunted funeral homes, Dietz takes audiences on a trip to a world where seven intersecting characters meet or don’t meet in imaginative and unexpected ways.
Austin Playhouse presents the Austin premiere of This Random World, written by local and nationally renowned playwright Steven Dietz. Mining the comedy of missed connections, this funny, intimate, and heartbreaking play, subtitled “the myth of serendipity,” explores the lives that may be happening just out of reach of our own. From dirty diners to beautiful Japanese temples to possibly haunted funeral homes, Dietz takes audiences on a trip to a world where seven intersecting characters meet or don’t meet in imaginative and unexpected ways.
Austin Playhouse presents the Austin premiere of This Random World, written by local and nationally renowned playwright Steven Dietz. Mining the comedy of missed connections, this funny, intimate, and heartbreaking play, subtitled “the myth of serendipity,” explores the lives that may be happening just out of reach of our own. From dirty diners to beautiful Japanese temples to possibly haunted funeral homes, Dietz takes audiences on a trip to a world where seven intersecting characters meet or don’t meet in imaginative and unexpected ways.