In this installment of the Austin School of Film's ongoing “Sips & Cinema” virtual screening series, they're focusing on love, heartbreak, and horror. A quick Google search for “Valentine’s Day horror films” will garner dozens of results from the classics & the remakes a la My Bloody Valentine to the ridiculous comedic horror Pontypool or the extremely disturbing horror film Nekromantik.
Guests will have a chance to watch, connect, and sip with the Horror Queen, Ana Armengod aka @Humanleather. This will be Ana’s third horror shortcase installment with Austin School of Film, just in time for (my bloody) Valentine’s Day with the world premiere of Stupor as part of the film roster. Stupor is Ana’s latest short film created in collaboration with Mae Toone.
All participants will receive a mysterious pink envelope by mail containing the recipe to concoct a bloody sip. The event will start with an introduction to the secret shorts they’ll be screening and the making of a mystery beverage together on camera.
In this installment of the Austin School of Film's ongoing “Sips & Cinema” virtual screening series, they're focusing on love, heartbreak, and horror. A quick Google search for “Valentine’s Day horror films” will garner dozens of results from the classics & the remakes a la My Bloody Valentine to the ridiculous comedic horror Pontypool or the extremely disturbing horror film Nekromantik.
Guests will have a chance to watch, connect, and sip with the Horror Queen, Ana Armengod aka @Humanleather. This will be Ana’s third horror shortcase installment with Austin School of Film, just in time for (my bloody) Valentine’s Day with the world premiere of Stupor as part of the film roster. Stupor is Ana’s latest short film created in collaboration with Mae Toone.
All participants will receive a mysterious pink envelope by mail containing the recipe to concoct a bloody sip. The event will start with an introduction to the secret shorts they’ll be screening and the making of a mystery beverage together on camera.
In this installment of the Austin School of Film's ongoing “Sips & Cinema” virtual screening series, they're focusing on love, heartbreak, and horror. A quick Google search for “Valentine’s Day horror films” will garner dozens of results from the classics & the remakes a la My Bloody Valentine to the ridiculous comedic horror Pontypool or the extremely disturbing horror film Nekromantik.
Guests will have a chance to watch, connect, and sip with the Horror Queen, Ana Armengod aka @Humanleather. This will be Ana’s third horror shortcase installment with Austin School of Film, just in time for (my bloody) Valentine’s Day with the world premiere of Stupor as part of the film roster. Stupor is Ana’s latest short film created in collaboration with Mae Toone.
All participants will receive a mysterious pink envelope by mail containing the recipe to concoct a bloody sip. The event will start with an introduction to the secret shorts they’ll be screening and the making of a mystery beverage together on camera.