Set in a colorful ancient world at the crossroads of cultures, The Comedy of Errors is a fast-paced tale of mistaken identities where two pairs of twins are reunited in a surprising turn of events. The comic twin Dromios is performed by Hannah Rose Barfoot. Their masters are Tony Salinas and Toby Minor. Marc Pouhé, who played the title role in Macbeth, will play Egeon, the long-lost father.
Set in a colorful ancient world at the crossroads of cultures, The Comedy of Errors is a fast-paced tale of mistaken identities where two pairs of twins are reunited in a surprising turn of events. The comic twin Dromios is performed by Hannah Rose Barfoot. Their masters are Tony Salinas and Toby Minor. Marc Pouhé, who played the title role in Macbeth, will play Egeon, the long-lost father.
Set in a colorful ancient world at the crossroads of cultures, The Comedy of Errors is a fast-paced tale of mistaken identities where two pairs of twins are reunited in a surprising turn of events. The comic twin Dromios is performed by Hannah Rose Barfoot. Their masters are Tony Salinas and Toby Minor. Marc Pouhé, who played the title role in Macbeth, will play Egeon, the long-lost father.