Alamo Drafthouse
Before The Rock took over the megaplexes with starring roles in a heap of summer action flicks, it was the Hulkster bringing the brawn from the ring to the big screen. In the early 90s pseudo-classic, Hulk Hogan stars as an interstellar asskicker who crash lands on Earth and tries to fit in with Christopher Lloyd and Shelley Duvall in the suburban jungle while fighting off his reptilian nemesis and bounty hunters, including another giant of wrestling, the Undertaker.
Bangarang! brings 90s nostalgia back to the screen, and with this movie they want to ask suburbia the ultimate question of "Whatcha gonna do when Hulkamania runs intergalactic on you?"
Alamo Drafthouse - Ritz
320 E. 6th St.
Austin, TX 78701
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