Time for more tiny terrarium and sour-mashed beer fun at Blue Owl. Ticket includes instruction by Martha Breed, the Vice President of the Austin Cactus and Succulent Society and DIY expert, as well as four Blue Owl tasting pours in a commemorative take-home tasting glass. Everyone will make and take home their very own Mini Terrarium while mingling with like-minded folk in Blue Owl's Brewery.
Time for more tiny terrarium and sour-mashed beer fun at Blue Owl. Ticket includes instruction by Martha Breed, the Vice President of the Austin Cactus and Succulent Society and DIY expert, as well as four Blue Owl tasting pours in a commemorative take-home tasting glass. Everyone will make and take home their very own Mini Terrarium while mingling with like-minded folk in Blue Owl's Brewery.
Time for more tiny terrarium and sour-mashed beer fun at Blue Owl. Ticket includes instruction by Martha Breed, the Vice President of the Austin Cactus and Succulent Society and DIY expert, as well as four Blue Owl tasting pours in a commemorative take-home tasting glass. Everyone will make and take home their very own Mini Terrarium while mingling with like-minded folk in Blue Owl's Brewery.