“The Interpretation of Dreams” art show takes inspiration from Sigmund Freud's renowned book of the same name, which delves into the exploration of symbols and themes as a means to unravel our unconscious conflicts and inner demons. This exhibition aims to provide participating artists with a platform to experiment and delve into the depths of their imagination. Visitors can immerse themselves in the enigmatic world of dreams, exploring the multifaceted layers of subconscious thought.
Artists include Nicole Josephine Kline, Thomas Cook, Josh House, Kel Brown, Shu Khebion, Xander Rudd, Stephanie Mervine, Michele Rahbar, Autumn Maedey, Mimi Frank, Lindsey Millikan, John Mereado, Fran Mendizabel Walsh, J.C. Amorrortu, and Zach R Bobkoff. They will explore themes of recurring dreams, symbolic representations of deeper meanings, nightmares that tap into inner fears, and even fantasies of a desired life. Within the show, visitors will encounter visual manifestations of the artists' interpretations of their own dreams.
The exhibition will remain on display through February 2.
“The Interpretation of Dreams” art show takes inspiration from Sigmund Freud's renowned book of the same name, which delves into the exploration of symbols and themes as a means to unravel our unconscious conflicts and inner demons. This exhibition aims to provide participating artists with a platform to experiment and delve into the depths of their imagination. Visitors can immerse themselves in the enigmatic world of dreams, exploring the multifaceted layers of subconscious thought.
Artists include Nicole Josephine Kline, Thomas Cook, Josh House, Kel Brown, Shu Khebion, Xander Rudd, Stephanie Mervine, Michele Rahbar, Autumn Maedey, Mimi Frank, Lindsey Millikan, John Mereado, Fran Mendizabel Walsh, J.C. Amorrortu, and Zach R Bobkoff. They will explore themes of recurring dreams, symbolic representations of deeper meanings, nightmares that tap into inner fears, and even fantasies of a desired life. Within the show, visitors will encounter visual manifestations of the artists' interpretations of their own dreams.
The exhibition will remain on display through February 2.
Admission is free.