Written and directed by Austin-based filmmaker Andrew Bujalski, Computer Chess is a nerd-drenched spoof about chess software programmers who compete to create the most advanced chess program. Created in 2013, the film uses a black and white, retro production design backdrop.
A cinematic exploration of the Texas narrative, the Museum's Texas Focus Film Series highlights stories by, for, and about Texans. This evening's program is shown in conjunction with the special exhibition, "Pong to Pokémon: The Evolution of Electronic Gaming," and includes a film screening and Q&A with filmmaker Andrew Bujalski and actor Wiley Wiggins.
Written and directed by Austin-based filmmaker Andrew Bujalski, Computer Chess is a nerd-drenched spoof about chess software programmers who compete to create the most advanced chess program. Created in 2013, the film uses a black and white, retro production design backdrop.
A cinematic exploration of the Texas narrative, the Museum's Texas Focus Film Series highlights stories by, for, and about Texans. This evening's program is shown in conjunction with the special exhibition, "Pong to Pokémon: The Evolution of Electronic Gaming," and includes a film screening and Q&A with filmmaker Andrew Bujalski and actor Wiley Wiggins.
Written and directed by Austin-based filmmaker Andrew Bujalski, Computer Chess is a nerd-drenched spoof about chess software programmers who compete to create the most advanced chess program. Created in 2013, the film uses a black and white, retro production design backdrop.
A cinematic exploration of the Texas narrative, the Museum's Texas Focus Film Series highlights stories by, for, and about Texans. This evening's program is shown in conjunction with the special exhibition, "Pong to Pokémon: The Evolution of Electronic Gaming," and includes a film screening and Q&A with filmmaker Andrew Bujalski and actor Wiley Wiggins.