The Bullock Museum will present a screening and conversation about Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne's film, Deux jours, une nuit (Two Days, One Night).
Sandra is a factory worker who discovers that their workmates have opted for a bonus in exchange for her dismissal. She has only a weekend to convince her colleagues to give up their bonuses in order to keep her job.
The Bullock Museum will present a screening and conversation about Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne's film, Deux jours, une nuit (Two Days, One Night).
Sandra is a factory worker who discovers that their workmates have opted for a bonus in exchange for her dismissal. She has only a weekend to convince her colleagues to give up their bonuses in order to keep her job.
The Bullock Museum will present a screening and conversation about Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne's film, Deux jours, une nuit (Two Days, One Night).
Sandra is a factory worker who discovers that their workmates have opted for a bonus in exchange for her dismissal. She has only a weekend to convince her colleagues to give up their bonuses in order to keep her job.