At the heart of Crystal lies a captivating tale that transports audiences into a vivid world of playful imagination. Centered around the journey of a young woman named Crystal, this Cirque du Soleil show follows Crystal as she embarks on an exhilarating journey of self-discovery full of whimsy and wonder. The further the narrative pulls the audience into this world, the more their adrenaline soars as Crystal becomes who she was always destined to be – herself.
In Crystal, Cirque du Soleil will highlight jaw-dropping traditional circus acts - including swinging trapeze, aerial straps, hand-balancing, banquine, and pendular poles - that have been adapted to be performed on a brand-new creative territory, the ice. Over 40 artists, both acrobats and skaters, perform in the air and on the ice, seamlessly weaving together both disciplines into a one-of-a-kind spectacle.
At the heart of Crystal lies a captivating tale that transports audiences into a vivid world of playful imagination. Centered around the journey of a young woman named Crystal, this Cirque du Soleil show follows Crystal as she embarks on an exhilarating journey of self-discovery full of whimsy and wonder. The further the narrative pulls the audience into this world, the more their adrenaline soars as Crystal becomes who she was always destined to be – herself.
In Crystal, Cirque du Soleil will highlight jaw-dropping traditional circus acts - including swinging trapeze, aerial straps, hand-balancing, banquine, and pendular poles - that have been adapted to be performed on a brand-new creative territory, the ice. Over 40 artists, both acrobats and skaters, perform in the air and on the ice, seamlessly weaving together both disciplines into a one-of-a-kind spectacle.