Get thee to a nunnery with the hit musical comedy filled with so much sisterly love and good cheer that it has had audiences around the world rolling in the aisles. The little Sisters of Hoboken have a problem: how to bury 52 sisters accidentally poisoned by their cook, Sister Julia, Child of God. It’s time for a fund-raising talent show, and the nuns are the talent…well, sort of.
Nunsense is an award-winning, laugh out loud show filled with songs, surprises, and good old fashioned fun that are a sure pleaser for the entire family.
Get thee to a nunnery with the hit musical comedy filled with so much sisterly love and good cheer that it has had audiences around the world rolling in the aisles. The little Sisters of Hoboken have a problem: how to bury 52 sisters accidentally poisoned by their cook, Sister Julia, Child of God. It’s time for a fund-raising talent show, and the nuns are the talent…well, sort of.
Nunsense is an award-winning, laugh out loud show filled with songs, surprises, and good old fashioned fun that are a sure pleaser for the entire family.
Get thee to a nunnery with the hit musical comedy filled with so much sisterly love and good cheer that it has had audiences around the world rolling in the aisles. The little Sisters of Hoboken have a problem: how to bury 52 sisters accidentally poisoned by their cook, Sister Julia, Child of God. It’s time for a fund-raising talent show, and the nuns are the talent…well, sort of.
Nunsense is an award-winning, laugh out loud show filled with songs, surprises, and good old fashioned fun that are a sure pleaser for the entire family.