Ruthless! The Musical is a story that begins with little 8-year-old Tina, who knows she was born to play Pippi Longstocking in her third-grade musical and will do anything to win the part. But when Judy, Tina’s adoptive mother, discovers that her birth mother was a famous actress, she decides that she should be famous as well, and becomes the Broadway diva she always meant to be. Will they both become stars? Will they kill each other - and everyone around them - as they sing, dance, and claw their way to the top?
Spoofing such films and musicals as Mommie Dearest, All About Eve, Gypsy, and Mame, lots of songs, dancing, laughs, farce, and comedy abound.
Ruthless! The Musical is a story that begins with little 8-year-old Tina, who knows she was born to play Pippi Longstocking in her third-grade musical and will do anything to win the part. But when Judy, Tina’s adoptive mother, discovers that her birth mother was a famous actress, she decides that she should be famous as well, and becomes the Broadway diva she always meant to be. Will they both become stars? Will they kill each other - and everyone around them - as they sing, dance, and claw their way to the top?
Spoofing such films and musicals as Mommie Dearest, All About Eve, Gypsy, and Mame, lots of songs, dancing, laughs, farce, and comedy abound.
Ruthless! The Musical is a story that begins with little 8-year-old Tina, who knows she was born to play Pippi Longstocking in her third-grade musical and will do anything to win the part. But when Judy, Tina’s adoptive mother, discovers that her birth mother was a famous actress, she decides that she should be famous as well, and becomes the Broadway diva she always meant to be. Will they both become stars? Will they kill each other - and everyone around them - as they sing, dance, and claw their way to the top?
Spoofing such films and musicals as Mommie Dearest, All About Eve, Gypsy, and Mame, lots of songs, dancing, laughs, farce, and comedy abound.