Conspirare presents Considering Matthew Shepard, a world premiere of a major work by Craig Hella Johnson. An ensemble of 29 singers and eight instrumentalists will lead the listener through a tapestry of musical textures and styles.
In October 1998 a shocking hate crime was committed against Matthew Shepard, who was brutally beaten and left tied to a fence to die. Shepard’s story haunted Conspirare’s Grammy® award-winning Artistic Director Craig Hella Johnson for years and finally impelled him to compose, in response, this groundbreaking contemporary oratorio.
Conspirare presents Considering Matthew Shepard, a world premiere of a major work by Craig Hella Johnson. An ensemble of 29 singers and eight instrumentalists will lead the listener through a tapestry of musical textures and styles.
In October 1998 a shocking hate crime was committed against Matthew Shepard, who was brutally beaten and left tied to a fence to die. Shepard’s story haunted Conspirare’s Grammy® award-winning Artistic Director Craig Hella Johnson for years and finally impelled him to compose, in response, this groundbreaking contemporary oratorio.
Conspirare presents Considering Matthew Shepard, a world premiere of a major work by Craig Hella Johnson. An ensemble of 29 singers and eight instrumentalists will lead the listener through a tapestry of musical textures and styles.
In October 1998 a shocking hate crime was committed against Matthew Shepard, who was brutally beaten and left tied to a fence to die. Shepard’s story haunted Conspirare’s Grammy® award-winning Artistic Director Craig Hella Johnson for years and finally impelled him to compose, in response, this groundbreaking contemporary oratorio.