In Whale Rider, a Maori village faces a crisis when the heir to the leadership of the Ngati Konohi dies at birth and is survived only by his twin sister, Pai. Although disregarded by her grandfather and shunned by the village, 12-year-old Pai remains certain of her calling and trains herself in the ways and customs of her people. With remarkable grace, Pai finds the strength to challenge tradition and fulfill her destiny.
Filmgoers are encouraged to pack a picnic to enjoy with friends, BYOB, and explore the park at sunset before the films being. Complimentary water and adult beverages from sponsors Richard's Rainwater and SpikedSeltzer will be available. Cold Ones Pops will also be available for purchase.
In Whale Rider, a Maori village faces a crisis when the heir to the leadership of the Ngati Konohi dies at birth and is survived only by his twin sister, Pai. Although disregarded by her grandfather and shunned by the village, 12-year-old Pai remains certain of her calling and trains herself in the ways and customs of her people. With remarkable grace, Pai finds the strength to challenge tradition and fulfill her destiny.
Filmgoers are encouraged to pack a picnic to enjoy with friends, BYOB, and explore the park at sunset before the films being. Complimentary water and adult beverages from sponsors Richard's Rainwater and SpikedSeltzer will be available. Cold Ones Pops will also be available for purchase.
In Whale Rider, a Maori village faces a crisis when the heir to the leadership of the Ngati Konohi dies at birth and is survived only by his twin sister, Pai. Although disregarded by her grandfather and shunned by the village, 12-year-old Pai remains certain of her calling and trains herself in the ways and customs of her people. With remarkable grace, Pai finds the strength to challenge tradition and fulfill her destiny.
Filmgoers are encouraged to pack a picnic to enjoy with friends, BYOB, and explore the park at sunset before the films being. Complimentary water and adult beverages from sponsors Richard's Rainwater and SpikedSeltzer will be available. Cold Ones Pops will also be available for purchase.