Polari (formerly AGLIFF) is ready to roll out the hot pink carpet and welcome you to the Official Festival Launch Party for 2013. Celebrating its 26th year as the oldest film festival in Austin and longest running LGBT film fest in the Southwest, Polari invites you for a preview of the most seductive program Austin has ever seen, along with some sneak peeks at this year's parade of top flicks.
The 2013 festival theme, "Don't Just Sit There," which calls on the gorgeous people of Austin to indulge, engage, and create, will be brought to spectacular life by the sparkling dance moves of Little Stolen Moments and the slick musical stylings of DJ JJ Booya. Cheer Up Charlie's will offer more than enough loose entertainment, festival shenanigans, and gay ol' times for you to prep yourselves for a stand-up-and-cheer experience at Polari this October.
Cheer Up Charlies
900 Red River St.
Austin, TX 78701
All events are subject to change due to weather or other concerns. Please check with the venue or organization to ensure an event is taking place as scheduled.