Top Chef contestants Chef Gabe Erales, known for his unique approach to Mexican cuisine and his passion for preserving Mexican corn and culture, and Chef Byron Gomez, Executive Chef of 7908 Aspen, are teaming up to curate a chef’s tasting menu for Creative Action’s “Cooking, Community and Conversation” fundraiser.
The intimate evening will feature a five-course Latin-inspire chef’s tasting menu curated by Chef Erales and Chef Gomez, two of the remaining contestants on season 18 of Bravo’s Top Chef. The chefs will be infusing their passions for creating unique and vibrant courses to create a specially curated meal that will take attendees on a Latin-inspired food journey.
The evening will also include a libation experience designed by Jitters Espresso & Spirits featuring LALO Tequila, curated gift bags, a film by Creative Action’s Youth Cinema Collective, and a live musical performance by Angélica Rahe.
Fifty percent of the proceeds will benefit Creative Action, whose mission is to use the arts as a medium to inspire creativity, unlock potential, and transform the lives of students of all ages.
Top Chef contestants Chef Gabe Erales, known for his unique approach to Mexican cuisine and his passion for preserving Mexican corn and culture, and Chef Byron Gomez, Executive Chef of 7908 Aspen, are teaming up to curate a chef’s tasting menu for Creative Action’s “Cooking, Community and Conversation” fundraiser.
The intimate evening will feature a five-course Latin-inspire chef’s tasting menu curated by Chef Erales and Chef Gomez, two of the remaining contestants on season 18 of Bravo’s Top Chef. The chefs will be infusing their passions for creating unique and vibrant courses to create a specially curated meal that will take attendees on a Latin-inspired food journey.
The evening will also include a libation experience designed by Jitters Espresso & Spirits featuring LALO Tequila, curated gift bags, a film by Creative Action’s Youth Cinema Collective, and a live musical performance by Angélica Rahe.
Fifty percent of the proceeds will benefit Creative Action, whose mission is to use the arts as a medium to inspire creativity, unlock potential, and transform the lives of students of all ages.
Top Chef contestants Chef Gabe Erales, known for his unique approach to Mexican cuisine and his passion for preserving Mexican corn and culture, and Chef Byron Gomez, Executive Chef of 7908 Aspen, are teaming up to curate a chef’s tasting menu for Creative Action’s “Cooking, Community and Conversation” fundraiser.
The intimate evening will feature a five-course Latin-inspire chef’s tasting menu curated by Chef Erales and Chef Gomez, two of the remaining contestants on season 18 of Bravo’s Top Chef. The chefs will be infusing their passions for creating unique and vibrant courses to create a specially curated meal that will take attendees on a Latin-inspired food journey.
The evening will also include a libation experience designed by Jitters Espresso & Spirits featuring LALO Tequila, curated gift bags, a film by Creative Action’s Youth Cinema Collective, and a live musical performance by Angélica Rahe.
Fifty percent of the proceeds will benefit Creative Action, whose mission is to use the arts as a medium to inspire creativity, unlock potential, and transform the lives of students of all ages.