Different Stages returns to live performances with George Bernard Shaw’s Heartbreak House. When Ellie Dunn joins a house party at the home of the eccentric Captain Shotover, she causes a stir with her decision to marry for money rather than love, and the Captain’s forthright daughter, Hesione, protests vigorously against the pragmatic young woman’s choice. Opinion on the matter quickly creates divisions and a lively argument about money and morality, idealism and realism ensues as Hesione’s rakish husband, snobbish sister, and Ellie’s fiancé - a wealthy industrialist - enter the debate.
Different Stages returns to live performances with George Bernard Shaw’s Heartbreak House. When Ellie Dunn joins a house party at the home of the eccentric Captain Shotover, she causes a stir with her decision to marry for money rather than love, and the Captain’s forthright daughter, Hesione, protests vigorously against the pragmatic young woman’s choice. Opinion on the matter quickly creates divisions and a lively argument about money and morality, idealism and realism ensues as Hesione’s rakish husband, snobbish sister, and Ellie’s fiancé - a wealthy industrialist - enter the debate.
Different Stages returns to live performances with George Bernard Shaw’s Heartbreak House. When Ellie Dunn joins a house party at the home of the eccentric Captain Shotover, she causes a stir with her decision to marry for money rather than love, and the Captain’s forthright daughter, Hesione, protests vigorously against the pragmatic young woman’s choice. Opinion on the matter quickly creates divisions and a lively argument about money and morality, idealism and realism ensues as Hesione’s rakish husband, snobbish sister, and Ellie’s fiancé - a wealthy industrialist - enter the debate.