"Polarity," the latest installation by Colin McIntyre, balances subtle extremes of light and sound. The constructed setting is a rhomboid chamber, painted with extreme matte black that eats light like a 2D blackhole.
No stranger to coupling light and sound into his sculptural contexts, McIntyre has introduced neon light and sound playing through cymatic devices. Cymatics is the 3D visualization of sound waves using either dust on a vibrating plate or fluid in a vibrating tray that oscillates at the frequency of a specific tone. Different tones produce dramatically varied, yet highly ordered patterns in the dust or fluid.
The installation chamber contains fluid cymatic displays that are the only element in the space reflecting any light from the minimal neon installation. The effect of the monochrome bath of light and sound is simultaneously subdued and intense.
The opening reception is an in-person event inside the gallery, for 1-2 people at a time, with a strict face mask and social distancing policy. Following the opening reception, the installation will be on display by appointment only through February 28.
"Polarity," the latest installation by Colin McIntyre, balances subtle extremes of light and sound. The constructed setting is a rhomboid chamber, painted with extreme matte black that eats light like a 2D blackhole.
No stranger to coupling light and sound into his sculptural contexts, McIntyre has introduced neon light and sound playing through cymatic devices. Cymatics is the 3D visualization of sound waves using either dust on a vibrating plate or fluid in a vibrating tray that oscillates at the frequency of a specific tone. Different tones produce dramatically varied, yet highly ordered patterns in the dust or fluid.
The installation chamber contains fluid cymatic displays that are the only element in the space reflecting any light from the minimal neon installation. The effect of the monochrome bath of light and sound is simultaneously subdued and intense.
The opening reception is an in-person event inside the gallery, for 1-2 people at a time, with a strict face mask and social distancing policy. Following the opening reception, the installation will be on display by appointment only through February 28.
"Polarity," the latest installation by Colin McIntyre, balances subtle extremes of light and sound. The constructed setting is a rhomboid chamber, painted with extreme matte black that eats light like a 2D blackhole.
No stranger to coupling light and sound into his sculptural contexts, McIntyre has introduced neon light and sound playing through cymatic devices. Cymatics is the 3D visualization of sound waves using either dust on a vibrating plate or fluid in a vibrating tray that oscillates at the frequency of a specific tone. Different tones produce dramatically varied, yet highly ordered patterns in the dust or fluid.
The installation chamber contains fluid cymatic displays that are the only element in the space reflecting any light from the minimal neon installation. The effect of the monochrome bath of light and sound is simultaneously subdued and intense.
The opening reception is an in-person event inside the gallery, for 1-2 people at a time, with a strict face mask and social distancing policy. Following the opening reception, the installation will be on display by appointment only through February 28.