"Unusual Kinships" is a continuation of Magdalena Jarkowiec's ‘imaginary clothing’ series and deals with the intersection of the self with the things and people it must negotiate with daily. The show will describe the intimacies of human/object hybrid forms, dollhouse-esque installations, hanging portraits of lovers and friends, and Magdalena’s characteristic humor and inventiveness.
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display through May 18.
"Unusual Kinships" is a continuation of Magdalena Jarkowiec's ‘imaginary clothing’ series and deals with the intersection of the self with the things and people it must negotiate with daily. The show will describe the intimacies of human/object hybrid forms, dollhouse-esque installations, hanging portraits of lovers and friends, and Magdalena’s characteristic humor and inventiveness.
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display through May 18.
"Unusual Kinships" is a continuation of Magdalena Jarkowiec's ‘imaginary clothing’ series and deals with the intersection of the self with the things and people it must negotiate with daily. The show will describe the intimacies of human/object hybrid forms, dollhouse-esque installations, hanging portraits of lovers and friends, and Magdalena’s characteristic humor and inventiveness.
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display through May 18.