Revealing the Universe - A Journey to the Frontier of Understanding is a bespoke talk with Dr. Brian Greene that is inspired by the most exciting scientific developments happening when the talk is given, with all necessary background to tell a riveting and widely accessible story.
Greene is one of the world’s leading theoretical physicists and a brilliant, entertaining communicator of cutting-edge scientific concepts. A Professor of Physics and of Mathematics at Columbia University, Greene has been described by The Washington Post as “the single best explainer of abstruse concepts in the world today.”
Revealing the Universe - A Journey to the Frontier of Understanding is a bespoke talk with Dr. Brian Greene that is inspired by the most exciting scientific developments happening when the talk is given, with all necessary background to tell a riveting and widely accessible story.
Greene is one of the world’s leading theoretical physicists and a brilliant, entertaining communicator of cutting-edge scientific concepts. A Professor of Physics and of Mathematics at Columbia University, Greene has been described by The Washington Post as “the single best explainer of abstruse concepts in the world today.”
Revealing the Universe - A Journey to the Frontier of Understanding is a bespoke talk with Dr. Brian Greene that is inspired by the most exciting scientific developments happening when the talk is given, with all necessary background to tell a riveting and widely accessible story.
Greene is one of the world’s leading theoretical physicists and a brilliant, entertaining communicator of cutting-edge scientific concepts. A Professor of Physics and of Mathematics at Columbia University, Greene has been described by The Washington Post as “the single best explainer of abstruse concepts in the world today.”