The January show features stand-up from Megan Tucei, improvised commercials from Rollertweenz, stand-up from Clara Blackstone, and an interview with Strong Female Lead(er) Chelsea Francis of Pass/Fail. Ticket price includes free treats plus giveaways from sponsors OHi Food Co, Skull & Cakebones, Stampworthy Goods, and bossbabesATX WORK Conference.
The January show features stand-up from Megan Tucei, improvised commercials from Rollertweenz, stand-up from Clara Blackstone, and an interview with Strong Female Lead(er) Chelsea Francis of Pass/Fail. Ticket price includes free treats plus giveaways from sponsors OHi Food Co, Skull & Cakebones, Stampworthy Goods, and bossbabesATX WORK Conference.
The January show features stand-up from Megan Tucei, improvised commercials from Rollertweenz, stand-up from Clara Blackstone, and an interview with Strong Female Lead(er) Chelsea Francis of Pass/Fail. Ticket price includes free treats plus giveaways from sponsors OHi Food Co, Skull & Cakebones, Stampworthy Goods, and bossbabesATX WORK Conference.
All events are subject to change due to weather or other concerns. Please check with the venue or organization to ensure an event is taking place as scheduled.