The Marvelous Wonderettes is an Off-Broadway hit that takes audiences to the 1958 Springfield High School prom, where they meet Betty Jean, Cindy Lou, Missy, and Suzy: four girls with hopes and dreams as big as their crinoline skirts. As the audience learn about their lives and loves, the girls serenade them with classic ‘50s hits including “Lollipop,” “Dream Lover,” “Stupid Cupid,” and “Lipstick on Your Collar.”
In Act II, the Wonderettes reunite to take the stage and perform at their ten-year reunion. Audiences will learn about the highs and lows the girls have experienced in the past decade and are charmed to find that no matter what life throws their way, they will conquer it together. The Marvelous Wonderettes features over 30 classic ’50s and ’60s hits.
The Marvelous Wonderettes is an Off-Broadway hit that takes audiences to the 1958 Springfield High School prom, where they meet Betty Jean, Cindy Lou, Missy, and Suzy: four girls with hopes and dreams as big as their crinoline skirts. As the audience learn about their lives and loves, the girls serenade them with classic ‘50s hits including “Lollipop,” “Dream Lover,” “Stupid Cupid,” and “Lipstick on Your Collar.”
In Act II, the Wonderettes reunite to take the stage and perform at their ten-year reunion. Audiences will learn about the highs and lows the girls have experienced in the past decade and are charmed to find that no matter what life throws their way, they will conquer it together. The Marvelous Wonderettes features over 30 classic ’50s and ’60s hits.
The Marvelous Wonderettes is an Off-Broadway hit that takes audiences to the 1958 Springfield High School prom, where they meet Betty Jean, Cindy Lou, Missy, and Suzy: four girls with hopes and dreams as big as their crinoline skirts. As the audience learn about their lives and loves, the girls serenade them with classic ‘50s hits including “Lollipop,” “Dream Lover,” “Stupid Cupid,” and “Lipstick on Your Collar.”
In Act II, the Wonderettes reunite to take the stage and perform at their ten-year reunion. Audiences will learn about the highs and lows the girls have experienced in the past decade and are charmed to find that no matter what life throws their way, they will conquer it together. The Marvelous Wonderettes features over 30 classic ’50s and ’60s hits.