Gilbert & Sullivan storylines are turned upside down in this uproarious musical game show. This hilarious musicale will quiz contestants about lost stories of popular G&S characters. Guests can try to guess the correct character along with the contestants, and hear some of the favorite G&S songs performed as “clues.”
There will be a hefty measure of “topsy-turvy” twists that would make even William S. Gilbert proud, as creative new stories will be spun which tie together characters from different G&S shows. The fabulous singers who will bring the musical clues by performing classic G&S songs include Bryce Bartu, Bonnie Bogovich, Jennifer Conte, Garrett Cordes, Chrishawn Michelle Floyd, Leann Fryer, Mary Elisabeth Kettlewell, Jim Newsome, Linda Grace Perez, Taylor Rawley, and Jay Young. The cast will also feature Dave Wieckowski as the Game Show Host.
Gilbert & Sullivan storylines are turned upside down in this uproarious musical game show. This hilarious musicale will quiz contestants about lost stories of popular G&S characters. Guests can try to guess the correct character along with the contestants, and hear some of the favorite G&S songs performed as “clues.”
There will be a hefty measure of “topsy-turvy” twists that would make even William S. Gilbert proud, as creative new stories will be spun which tie together characters from different G&S shows. The fabulous singers who will bring the musical clues by performing classic G&S songs include Bryce Bartu, Bonnie Bogovich, Jennifer Conte, Garrett Cordes, Chrishawn Michelle Floyd, Leann Fryer, Mary Elisabeth Kettlewell, Jim Newsome, Linda Grace Perez, Taylor Rawley, and Jay Young. The cast will also feature Dave Wieckowski as the Game Show Host.
Gilbert & Sullivan storylines are turned upside down in this uproarious musical game show. This hilarious musicale will quiz contestants about lost stories of popular G&S characters. Guests can try to guess the correct character along with the contestants, and hear some of the favorite G&S songs performed as “clues.”
There will be a hefty measure of “topsy-turvy” twists that would make even William S. Gilbert proud, as creative new stories will be spun which tie together characters from different G&S shows. The fabulous singers who will bring the musical clues by performing classic G&S songs include Bryce Bartu, Bonnie Bogovich, Jennifer Conte, Garrett Cordes, Chrishawn Michelle Floyd, Leann Fryer, Mary Elisabeth Kettlewell, Jim Newsome, Linda Grace Perez, Taylor Rawley, and Jay Young. The cast will also feature Dave Wieckowski as the Game Show Host.