Girls Girls Girls Improvised Broadway Musicals presents The Game of Life!, an improvised musical comedy based the spins, twists, and cards of the classic board game Life. The improv troupe who brought you Pink is the New Black and The Secret Lives of Soccer Moms bring the famous board game to life and see how those little pink and blue peg people navigate the twists and turns of unpredictable events in this totally improvised musical.
Girls Girls Girls Improvised Broadway Musicals presents The Game of Life!, an improvised musical comedy based the spins, twists, and cards of the classic board game Life. The improv troupe who brought you Pink is the New Black and The Secret Lives of Soccer Moms bring the famous board game to life and see how those little pink and blue peg people navigate the twists and turns of unpredictable events in this totally improvised musical.
Girls Girls Girls Improvised Broadway Musicals presents The Game of Life!, an improvised musical comedy based the spins, twists, and cards of the classic board game Life. The improv troupe who brought you Pink is the New Black and The Secret Lives of Soccer Moms bring the famous board game to life and see how those little pink and blue peg people navigate the twists and turns of unpredictable events in this totally improvised musical.