Students in grades Kindergarten through 8th Grade at the Girls' School of Austin have all created their beautiful and moving self-portraits in acrylic on canvas, painting themselves in joy, in thought, in sadness, and in silliness - showing a full range of human emotions. The theme this year is: "The Me You Don't See" inspired by the emotional and expressive works of Mexican iconic portrait artist Frida Kahlo, Edvard Munch ("The Scream" and other powerful works), and German Mid-Century artist Kathe Kollwitz (etchings and drawings expressing emotion and conflict).
Students in grades Kindergarten through 8th Grade at the Girls' School of Austin have all created their beautiful and moving self-portraits in acrylic on canvas, painting themselves in joy, in thought, in sadness, and in silliness - showing a full range of human emotions. The theme this year is: "The Me You Don't See" inspired by the emotional and expressive works of Mexican iconic portrait artist Frida Kahlo, Edvard Munch ("The Scream" and other powerful works), and German Mid-Century artist Kathe Kollwitz (etchings and drawings expressing emotion and conflict).
Students in grades Kindergarten through 8th Grade at the Girls' School of Austin have all created their beautiful and moving self-portraits in acrylic on canvas, painting themselves in joy, in thought, in sadness, and in silliness - showing a full range of human emotions. The theme this year is: "The Me You Don't See" inspired by the emotional and expressive works of Mexican iconic portrait artist Frida Kahlo, Edvard Munch ("The Scream" and other powerful works), and German Mid-Century artist Kathe Kollwitz (etchings and drawings expressing emotion and conflict).