A dark comedy for adult audiences featuring puppetry of objects, physical clowning, and trash art: Just around a bend in spacetime, the Earth’s oceans overflow with garbage. It’s a plastic paradise for Polly Mermaid - the toxic mutant made from humanity’s mess. When a brilliant scientist discovers a way to dispose of the dump, Polly must fight for the rights of the wasted. Witness a queer and spectacular showdown between a do-gooder and impending doom.
This is not a children’s puppet show. Sexy imagery and dialogue abounds.
A dark comedy for adult audiences featuring puppetry of objects, physical clowning, and trash art: Just around a bend in spacetime, the Earth’s oceans overflow with garbage. It’s a plastic paradise for Polly Mermaid - the toxic mutant made from humanity’s mess. When a brilliant scientist discovers a way to dispose of the dump, Polly must fight for the rights of the wasted. Witness a queer and spectacular showdown between a do-gooder and impending doom.
This is not a children’s puppet show. Sexy imagery and dialogue abounds.
A dark comedy for adult audiences featuring puppetry of objects, physical clowning, and trash art: Just around a bend in spacetime, the Earth’s oceans overflow with garbage. It’s a plastic paradise for Polly Mermaid - the toxic mutant made from humanity’s mess. When a brilliant scientist discovers a way to dispose of the dump, Polly must fight for the rights of the wasted. Witness a queer and spectacular showdown between a do-gooder and impending doom.
This is not a children’s puppet show. Sexy imagery and dialogue abounds.