The work in this series is an exploration of the unexpected when collaborating on the visual expressions of shared ideas and dreams.
Collaborators: Abi Daniel, Will Gaynor, Suzanne Koett, Shea Little, Cai Littleswec, Olive Littleswec, Jude Littleswec, Aaron Michalovic, Julie Swec, Joe Swec, Alexandria Valenti, Cherie Weaver, Jon Windham, Adam Young
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display through March 26.
The work in this series is an exploration of the unexpected when collaborating on the visual expressions of shared ideas and dreams.
Collaborators: Abi Daniel, Will Gaynor, Suzanne Koett, Shea Little, Cai Littleswec, Olive Littleswec, Jude Littleswec, Aaron Michalovic, Julie Swec, Joe Swec, Alexandria Valenti, Cherie Weaver, Jon Windham, Adam Young
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display through March 26.
The work in this series is an exploration of the unexpected when collaborating on the visual expressions of shared ideas and dreams.
Collaborators: Abi Daniel, Will Gaynor, Suzanne Koett, Shea Little, Cai Littleswec, Olive Littleswec, Jude Littleswec, Aaron Michalovic, Julie Swec, Joe Swec, Alexandria Valenti, Cherie Weaver, Jon Windham, Adam Young
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display through March 26.