“Eye’s Got It!” is an annual visual art competition created by Jamie Salvador Castillo that brings together a professional panel of judges and artists from all over Central Texas. Artists' submissions are whittled down through three rounds of increasingly tougher critique and discussions. The grand prize is a solo show at grayDUCK gallery, and this year’s winner is Austin artist Rachel Wolfson Smith, who won over the judges with her series of large scale graphite drawings, which bring medieval battles and fables into the modern age.
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display through August 21.
“Eye’s Got It!” is an annual visual art competition created by Jamie Salvador Castillo that brings together a professional panel of judges and artists from all over Central Texas. Artists' submissions are whittled down through three rounds of increasingly tougher critique and discussions. The grand prize is a solo show at grayDUCK gallery, and this year’s winner is Austin artist Rachel Wolfson Smith, who won over the judges with her series of large scale graphite drawings, which bring medieval battles and fables into the modern age.
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display through August 21.
“Eye’s Got It!” is an annual visual art competition created by Jamie Salvador Castillo that brings together a professional panel of judges and artists from all over Central Texas. Artists' submissions are whittled down through three rounds of increasingly tougher critique and discussions. The grand prize is a solo show at grayDUCK gallery, and this year’s winner is Austin artist Rachel Wolfson Smith, who won over the judges with her series of large scale graphite drawings, which bring medieval battles and fables into the modern age.
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display through August 21.