American Brass is a live improv comedy inspired by the HBO show Succession. Darkly funny, awkwardly funny, absurdly funny, American Brass a funhouse mirror held up to the elites of society who play games of power for their own amusement.
Like Succession, American Brass is full of characters you’ll love to hate: power-hungry, back-stabbing, money-grubbing ladder climbers. Unlike Succession, American Brass is completely improvised - made up in the moment using audience suggestions and the skill of the performers. And it’s a comedy.
At intermission audience members will have a chance to vote for who they think will emerge victorious. Anyone who guesses right might be selected to win a gift card to use on drink and food items.
American Brass is a live improv comedy inspired by the HBO show Succession. Darkly funny, awkwardly funny, absurdly funny, American Brass a funhouse mirror held up to the elites of society who play games of power for their own amusement.
Like Succession, American Brass is full of characters you’ll love to hate: power-hungry, back-stabbing, money-grubbing ladder climbers. Unlike Succession, American Brass is completely improvised - made up in the moment using audience suggestions and the skill of the performers. And it’s a comedy.
At intermission audience members will have a chance to vote for who they think will emerge victorious. Anyone who guesses right might be selected to win a gift card to use on drink and food items.
American Brass is a live improv comedy inspired by the HBO show Succession. Darkly funny, awkwardly funny, absurdly funny, American Brass a funhouse mirror held up to the elites of society who play games of power for their own amusement.
Like Succession, American Brass is full of characters you’ll love to hate: power-hungry, back-stabbing, money-grubbing ladder climbers. Unlike Succession, American Brass is completely improvised - made up in the moment using audience suggestions and the skill of the performers. And it’s a comedy.
At intermission audience members will have a chance to vote for who they think will emerge victorious. Anyone who guesses right might be selected to win a gift card to use on drink and food items.