Super Team is an improv show that centers around an interconnected team of heroes with unique super powers inspired by shows like Teen Titans and X-Men: Evolution. Intertwined with their mission to thwart the newest evil threat to humanity, the team faces the internal challenges of learning to work together as a team despite their diverse personalities, brewing romantic relationships, and the drama that comes with any tight friend group.
Super Team is an improv show that centers around an interconnected team of heroes with unique super powers inspired by shows like Teen Titans and X-Men: Evolution. Intertwined with their mission to thwart the newest evil threat to humanity, the team faces the internal challenges of learning to work together as a team despite their diverse personalities, brewing romantic relationships, and the drama that comes with any tight friend group.
Super Team is an improv show that centers around an interconnected team of heroes with unique super powers inspired by shows like Teen Titans and X-Men: Evolution. Intertwined with their mission to thwart the newest evil threat to humanity, the team faces the internal challenges of learning to work together as a team despite their diverse personalities, brewing romantic relationships, and the drama that comes with any tight friend group.