Starry Soirée is an immersive burlesque and variety show that features nighttime-themed performances from Austin’s best burlesque and variety artists as well as signature cocktails, paper moon photo booth, multimedia light displays, and star gazing provided by the Earthbound Astronomer and the Austin Astronomical Society. Audience members are encouraged to masquerade in the moonlight adorned in finest night time attire.
Starry Soirée is an immersive burlesque and variety show that features nighttime-themed performances from Austin’s best burlesque and variety artists as well as signature cocktails, paper moon photo booth, multimedia light displays, and star gazing provided by the Earthbound Astronomer and the Austin Astronomical Society. Audience members are encouraged to masquerade in the moonlight adorned in finest night time attire.
Starry Soirée is an immersive burlesque and variety show that features nighttime-themed performances from Austin’s best burlesque and variety artists as well as signature cocktails, paper moon photo booth, multimedia light displays, and star gazing provided by the Earthbound Astronomer and the Austin Astronomical Society. Audience members are encouraged to masquerade in the moonlight adorned in finest night time attire.