The Jigglewatts Burlesque presents their famous revue, Violet Crown Follies, a dazzling monthly variety burlesque show. The Jigglewatts' Violet Crown Follies is an ongoing burlesque residency featuring live music, comedy, drag, variety, and world-class burlesque performances in a lavish setting.
The evening will feature performances by Jolie Goodnight, Ruby Lamb, Something Blue, Alexander the Great and Ruby Joule. They will be joined by special guest performers, Channing Ate’Em and Jack Rabid.
The Jigglewatts Burlesque presents their famous revue, Violet Crown Follies, a dazzling monthly variety burlesque show. The Jigglewatts' Violet Crown Follies is an ongoing burlesque residency featuring live music, comedy, drag, variety, and world-class burlesque performances in a lavish setting.
The evening will feature performances by Jolie Goodnight, Ruby Lamb, Something Blue, Alexander the Great and Ruby Joule. They will be joined by special guest performers, Channing Ate’Em and Jack Rabid.
The Jigglewatts Burlesque presents their famous revue, Violet Crown Follies, a dazzling monthly variety burlesque show. The Jigglewatts' Violet Crown Follies is an ongoing burlesque residency featuring live music, comedy, drag, variety, and world-class burlesque performances in a lavish setting.
The evening will feature performances by Jolie Goodnight, Ruby Lamb, Something Blue, Alexander the Great and Ruby Joule. They will be joined by special guest performers, Channing Ate’Em and Jack Rabid.