Maestro, a new documentary from director David Donnelly, presents an exploration of the artistic process through the eyes of one of today’s premiere conductors, Paavo Jarvi, to Texas audiences via a benefit screening for Austin-based Kids In a New Groove (K.I.N.G.).
Maestro follows Jarvi and a group of outstanding musicians, including the globally recognized talents, Lang Lang and Hilary Hahn, to sold-out performances around the world for a view of classical music rarely seen. The evening will close with a Q&A session with director David Donnelly.
Maestro, a new documentary from director David Donnelly, presents an exploration of the artistic process through the eyes of one of today’s premiere conductors, Paavo Jarvi, to Texas audiences via a benefit screening for Austin-based Kids In a New Groove (K.I.N.G.).
Maestro follows Jarvi and a group of outstanding musicians, including the globally recognized talents, Lang Lang and Hilary Hahn, to sold-out performances around the world for a view of classical music rarely seen. The evening will close with a Q&A session with director David Donnelly.
Maestro, a new documentary from director David Donnelly, presents an exploration of the artistic process through the eyes of one of today’s premiere conductors, Paavo Jarvi, to Texas audiences via a benefit screening for Austin-based Kids In a New Groove (K.I.N.G.).
Maestro follows Jarvi and a group of outstanding musicians, including the globally recognized talents, Lang Lang and Hilary Hahn, to sold-out performances around the world for a view of classical music rarely seen. The evening will close with a Q&A session with director David Donnelly.