"The Climb," an all-women art show curated by L.Rhae Productions, promises to be a transformative experience for both the artists and the audience. The exhibition isn't just about art - it's about the journey. It showcases the powerful, often challenging path towards becoming a professional artist.
The unique event brings together women at different stages of their artistic careers across various styles, from emerging talents to seasoned professionals. It will feature a fusion of street art, graffiti, and contemporary art, creating a vibrant space for artistic exchange and growth.
Five percent of gallery earnings will support SAFE Austin, which aims to prevent domestic violence.
"The Climb," an all-women art show curated by L.Rhae Productions, promises to be a transformative experience for both the artists and the audience. The exhibition isn't just about art - it's about the journey. It showcases the powerful, often challenging path towards becoming a professional artist.
The unique event brings together women at different stages of their artistic careers across various styles, from emerging talents to seasoned professionals. It will feature a fusion of street art, graffiti, and contemporary art, creating a vibrant space for artistic exchange and growth.
Five percent of gallery earnings will support SAFE Austin, which aims to prevent domestic violence.
Admission is free.