The Latino Comedy Project presents Artistic Director Adrian Villegas’ critically-acclaimed solo comedy, Barrio Daze. Set against the backdrop of a tumultuous national election, Barrio Daze is a sprawling and irreverent one-man tour through a single day in the barrio. It mixes cultural humor and pointed social commentary for a fast-paced, laugh-out-loud funny portrait of Latino life in America, ultimately offering a message of defiance and uplift to a community under siege.
The Latino Comedy Project presents Artistic Director Adrian Villegas’ critically-acclaimed solo comedy, Barrio Daze. Set against the backdrop of a tumultuous national election, Barrio Daze is a sprawling and irreverent one-man tour through a single day in the barrio. It mixes cultural humor and pointed social commentary for a fast-paced, laugh-out-loud funny portrait of Latino life in America, ultimately offering a message of defiance and uplift to a community under siege.
The Latino Comedy Project presents Artistic Director Adrian Villegas’ critically-acclaimed solo comedy, Barrio Daze. Set against the backdrop of a tumultuous national election, Barrio Daze is a sprawling and irreverent one-man tour through a single day in the barrio. It mixes cultural humor and pointed social commentary for a fast-paced, laugh-out-loud funny portrait of Latino life in America, ultimately offering a message of defiance and uplift to a community under siege.