The LBJ Presidential Library and Museum will celebrate LBJ's birthday and the grand opening of the new Austin PBS studios at Highland Mall.
At the museum, visitors can enjoy free birthday cupcakes, crafts, and two temporary exhibits: "Lady Bird: Beyond the Wildflowers" and "Yoichi Okamoto."
At the PBS studios, visitors can build a puppet inspired by LBJ's public broadcasting legacy, get a cupcake, and a free memento. In 1967, President Johnson signed the law creating the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, establishing PBS and NPR. Luci Baines Johnson, LBJ’s daughter, will participate in Storytime in Studio 6A.
The LBJ Presidential Library and Museum will celebrate LBJ's birthday and the grand opening of the new Austin PBS studios at Highland Mall.
At the museum, visitors can enjoy free birthday cupcakes, crafts, and two temporary exhibits: "Lady Bird: Beyond the Wildflowers" and "Yoichi Okamoto."
At the PBS studios, visitors can build a puppet inspired by LBJ's public broadcasting legacy, get a cupcake, and a free memento. In 1967, President Johnson signed the law creating the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, establishing PBS and NPR. Luci Baines Johnson, LBJ’s daughter, will participate in Storytime in Studio 6A.
The LBJ Presidential Library and Museum will celebrate LBJ's birthday and the grand opening of the new Austin PBS studios at Highland Mall.
At the museum, visitors can enjoy free birthday cupcakes, crafts, and two temporary exhibits: "Lady Bird: Beyond the Wildflowers" and "Yoichi Okamoto."
At the PBS studios, visitors can build a puppet inspired by LBJ's public broadcasting legacy, get a cupcake, and a free memento. In 1967, President Johnson signed the law creating the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, establishing PBS and NPR. Luci Baines Johnson, LBJ’s daughter, will participate in Storytime in Studio 6A.