Brimming with power, love, and wonder, A Christmas Carol is a new Broadway musical based on the beloved story by Charles Dickens. This new telling rediscovers the heart of the original work. Where past adaptations promoted seasonal sentiment or preached against greed, A Christmas Carol unearths Dickens' true message: that a society is judged by its treatment of children, especially the poor and the handicapped.
In a world of "ragged" schools, child labor, and the poorhouse, Dickens penned a tale that would resurrect Christmas and redeem children. The music of this production, by the award-winning composers Bill & Robin Wolaver, pulses with a truth that can't be ignored.
Brimming with power, love, and wonder, A Christmas Carol is a new Broadway musical based on the beloved story by Charles Dickens. This new telling rediscovers the heart of the original work. Where past adaptations promoted seasonal sentiment or preached against greed, A Christmas Carol unearths Dickens' true message: that a society is judged by its treatment of children, especially the poor and the handicapped.
In a world of "ragged" schools, child labor, and the poorhouse, Dickens penned a tale that would resurrect Christmas and redeem children. The music of this production, by the award-winning composers Bill & Robin Wolaver, pulses with a truth that can't be ignored.