Link & Pin in conjunction with En Route Productions presents "Verstehen," a unique performance series and “Dreamscapes,” a mixed media exhibition by Emily Rankin. "Verstehen" explores various approaches to sonic/visual improvisation, focusing on methods of conversation between two artists of different mediums, reflective of how we, as humans, communicate with and understand each other.
Each of the five performances will take a unique approach to the real-time creation of multimedia art in front of a live audience. Both the sound and visual components will be directly influenced by each other by a series of conversational “rules” defined by the artists. The resulting work will be displayed as a part of the gallery exhibit.
The exhibit will be on display June 30-July 30, with reception on July 14. Performances will take place July 1-8.
Link & Pin in conjunction with En Route Productions presents "Verstehen," a unique performance series and “Dreamscapes,” a mixed media exhibition by Emily Rankin. "Verstehen" explores various approaches to sonic/visual improvisation, focusing on methods of conversation between two artists of different mediums, reflective of how we, as humans, communicate with and understand each other.
Each of the five performances will take a unique approach to the real-time creation of multimedia art in front of a live audience. Both the sound and visual components will be directly influenced by each other by a series of conversational “rules” defined by the artists. The resulting work will be displayed as a part of the gallery exhibit.
The exhibit will be on display June 30-July 30, with reception on July 14. Performances will take place July 1-8.
Link & Pin in conjunction with En Route Productions presents "Verstehen," a unique performance series and “Dreamscapes,” a mixed media exhibition by Emily Rankin. "Verstehen" explores various approaches to sonic/visual improvisation, focusing on methods of conversation between two artists of different mediums, reflective of how we, as humans, communicate with and understand each other.
Each of the five performances will take a unique approach to the real-time creation of multimedia art in front of a live audience. Both the sound and visual components will be directly influenced by each other by a series of conversational “rules” defined by the artists. The resulting work will be displayed as a part of the gallery exhibit.
The exhibit will be on display June 30-July 30, with reception on July 14. Performances will take place July 1-8.