The world’s best-loved musical returns in time-honored form. Directed by original lyricist and director Martin Charnin and choreographed by Liza Gennaro, this production of Annie will be a brand new incarnation of the iconic original.
As a constant figure in our pop culture today, the unforgettable songs of Annie including “It’s the Hard Knock Life,” “Easy Street,” and “I Don’t Need Anything But You,” continue to be catchy and relatable, even in 2016. Plus, the eternal anthem of optimism, “Tomorrow,” never disappoints.
The world’s best-loved musical returns in time-honored form. Directed by original lyricist and director Martin Charnin and choreographed by Liza Gennaro, this production of Annie will be a brand new incarnation of the iconic original.
As a constant figure in our pop culture today, the unforgettable songs of Annie including “It’s the Hard Knock Life,” “Easy Street,” and “I Don’t Need Anything But You,” continue to be catchy and relatable, even in 2016. Plus, the eternal anthem of optimism, “Tomorrow,” never disappoints.
The world’s best-loved musical returns in time-honored form. Directed by original lyricist and director Martin Charnin and choreographed by Liza Gennaro, this production of Annie will be a brand new incarnation of the iconic original.
As a constant figure in our pop culture today, the unforgettable songs of Annie including “It’s the Hard Knock Life,” “Easy Street,” and “I Don’t Need Anything But You,” continue to be catchy and relatable, even in 2016. Plus, the eternal anthem of optimism, “Tomorrow,” never disappoints.