The Long Center for the Performing Arts will present Deepak Chopra, New York Times bestselling author and world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation. Chopra will share insights from The Healing Self and explore some of the most important and baffling questions: Are we in the midst of a major paradigm shift in science? Is the next stage of human development conscious evolution? How does our understanding of consciousness as pure potentiality enhance our capacity for intuition, creativity, conscious choice making, healing, and the awakening of dormant potentials such as non-local communication and non-local sensory experience? How does our understanding of consciousness also enhance our capacity for total wellbeing (physical, emotional, spiritual, social, community, financial and ecological)?
Chopra will address these questions as well as practical ways to experience higher consciousness, transformation and healing.
The Long Center for the Performing Arts will present Deepak Chopra, New York Times bestselling author and world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation. Chopra will share insights from The Healing Self and explore some of the most important and baffling questions: Are we in the midst of a major paradigm shift in science? Is the next stage of human development conscious evolution? How does our understanding of consciousness as pure potentiality enhance our capacity for intuition, creativity, conscious choice making, healing, and the awakening of dormant potentials such as non-local communication and non-local sensory experience? How does our understanding of consciousness also enhance our capacity for total wellbeing (physical, emotional, spiritual, social, community, financial and ecological)?
Chopra will address these questions as well as practical ways to experience higher consciousness, transformation and healing.
The Long Center for the Performing Arts will present Deepak Chopra, New York Times bestselling author and world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation. Chopra will share insights from The Healing Self and explore some of the most important and baffling questions: Are we in the midst of a major paradigm shift in science? Is the next stage of human development conscious evolution? How does our understanding of consciousness as pure potentiality enhance our capacity for intuition, creativity, conscious choice making, healing, and the awakening of dormant potentials such as non-local communication and non-local sensory experience? How does our understanding of consciousness also enhance our capacity for total wellbeing (physical, emotional, spiritual, social, community, financial and ecological)?
Chopra will address these questions as well as practical ways to experience higher consciousness, transformation and healing.