Severe Weather Warning is an original, comedic play written by Elizabeth Doss and directed by Jenny Lavery that explores the ups and downs of lifelong friendship during a desperately needed Girls Weekend Getaway. But when their idyllic weekend at the Texas Gulf Coast devolves into a night of drunken chaos inside and severe weather outside, are the women prepared to deal with the aftermath?
Severe Weather Warning is a wild comedy about great friends, terrible choices, and passion in a world that’s gonna blow.
Severe Weather Warning is an original, comedic play written by Elizabeth Doss and directed by Jenny Lavery that explores the ups and downs of lifelong friendship during a desperately needed Girls Weekend Getaway. But when their idyllic weekend at the Texas Gulf Coast devolves into a night of drunken chaos inside and severe weather outside, are the women prepared to deal with the aftermath?
Severe Weather Warning is a wild comedy about great friends, terrible choices, and passion in a world that’s gonna blow.
Severe Weather Warning is an original, comedic play written by Elizabeth Doss and directed by Jenny Lavery that explores the ups and downs of lifelong friendship during a desperately needed Girls Weekend Getaway. But when their idyllic weekend at the Texas Gulf Coast devolves into a night of drunken chaos inside and severe weather outside, are the women prepared to deal with the aftermath?
Severe Weather Warning is a wild comedy about great friends, terrible choices, and passion in a world that’s gonna blow.