Lydia Street Gallery presents Sandra C. Fernandez: "Sporadic Moments (Memorias Sueltas)" & Mindy Johnston: "Cartography Abstracted"
In "Sporadic Moments (Memorias Sueltas)," Ecuadorian-American artist Sandra C. Fernández utilizes pages from a cherished 1800s book of crimes and misdemeanors as the foundation for works that explore her realities of exile, dislocation, relocation, memory, and the opportunity for self-conscious identity construction and reconstruction.
By composing new works made of repurposed drawings, etchings, silkscreens, relief prints, and cyanotypes created by the artist over the past 30 years, Fernández offers an alternate way of recalling the past that facilitates healing and renewal through the re-assemblage of memories of familial strength and resilience.
The general theme of Mindy Johnston's work centers around “cartography abstracted.” As a Capital Metro rider the route maps, connections, and hubs are essential. Through the years, the more she relied on route maps the more she began seeing them as abstractions of space. Eventually, the spaces between here connections became the focal point of the destination. Moving through the city became a combination of lines and geometric shapes which began taking on different colors. Her drawings represent the journey of the destination.
There will be an artist reception & talk on January 27 from 6-9 pm.
Lydia Street Gallery presents Sandra C. Fernandez: "Sporadic Moments (Memorias Sueltas)" & Mindy Johnston: "Cartography Abstracted"
In "Sporadic Moments (Memorias Sueltas)," Ecuadorian-American artist Sandra C. Fernández utilizes pages from a cherished 1800s book of crimes and misdemeanors as the foundation for works that explore her realities of exile, dislocation, relocation, memory, and the opportunity for self-conscious identity construction and reconstruction.
By composing new works made of repurposed drawings, etchings, silkscreens, relief prints, and cyanotypes created by the artist over the past 30 years, Fernández offers an alternate way of recalling the past that facilitates healing and renewal through the re-assemblage of memories of familial strength and resilience.
The general theme of Mindy Johnston's work centers around “cartography abstracted.” As a Capital Metro rider the route maps, connections, and hubs are essential. Through the years, the more she relied on route maps the more she began seeing them as abstractions of space. Eventually, the spaces between here connections became the focal point of the destination. Moving through the city became a combination of lines and geometric shapes which began taking on different colors. Her drawings represent the journey of the destination.
There will be an artist reception & talk on January 27 from 6-9 pm.
Admission is free.