Orchestral rock group Montopolis returns to Austin to premiere a new show, The Living Coast, an immersive film and concert experience that explores the Texas gulf coast. Featuring composer Justin Sherburn’s original music, video by Anlo Sepulveda (Yakona), and archival photography of the Great Galveston Hurricane, the deadliest storm in U.S. history. Surfers and sailors, shrimpers and oilmen, poets and scientists all share their stories in interviews about this complicated region of serene beauty, vast industry, and incredible contradictions.
Orchestral rock group Montopolis returns to Austin to premiere a new show, The Living Coast, an immersive film and concert experience that explores the Texas gulf coast. Featuring composer Justin Sherburn’s original music, video by Anlo Sepulveda (Yakona), and archival photography of the Great Galveston Hurricane, the deadliest storm in U.S. history. Surfers and sailors, shrimpers and oilmen, poets and scientists all share their stories in interviews about this complicated region of serene beauty, vast industry, and incredible contradictions.
Orchestral rock group Montopolis returns to Austin to premiere a new show, The Living Coast, an immersive film and concert experience that explores the Texas gulf coast. Featuring composer Justin Sherburn’s original music, video by Anlo Sepulveda (Yakona), and archival photography of the Great Galveston Hurricane, the deadliest storm in U.S. history. Surfers and sailors, shrimpers and oilmen, poets and scientists all share their stories in interviews about this complicated region of serene beauty, vast industry, and incredible contradictions.