Mexican-American composer, Nathan Felix, will present his new immersive operetta titled, Alien Wanderers : Alien World : Alien Home. It is inspired by Blanton’s new exhibition, "Medieval Monsters: Terrors, Aliens, Wonders." The operetta features lead sopranist, Katrina Saporsantos, who acts as narrator for the operetta, tackling subjects revolved around reappropriation, borderlands and conversations about how we perceive and treat “illegal” aliens. Katrina and other performers will weave in and around various spaces and galleries within the museum.
Mexican-American composer, Nathan Felix, will present his new immersive operetta titled, Alien Wanderers : Alien World : Alien Home. It is inspired by Blanton’s new exhibition, "Medieval Monsters: Terrors, Aliens, Wonders." The operetta features lead sopranist, Katrina Saporsantos, who acts as narrator for the operetta, tackling subjects revolved around reappropriation, borderlands and conversations about how we perceive and treat “illegal” aliens. Katrina and other performers will weave in and around various spaces and galleries within the museum.
Mexican-American composer, Nathan Felix, will present his new immersive operetta titled, Alien Wanderers : Alien World : Alien Home. It is inspired by Blanton’s new exhibition, "Medieval Monsters: Terrors, Aliens, Wonders." The operetta features lead sopranist, Katrina Saporsantos, who acts as narrator for the operetta, tackling subjects revolved around reappropriation, borderlands and conversations about how we perceive and treat “illegal” aliens. Katrina and other performers will weave in and around various spaces and galleries within the museum.