Austin-grown NunaMaana Immersive Dance Theater presents an epic evening of bootydroppin’ Shakespearean festivities. A Peasants’ Holiday Masquerade is an interactive, comedic, dance theater performance. For this show the company enlists their unique, cutting-edge style in which there is no stage. A group of tawdry, goat-farming-peasants have gotten their hands on a few elegant robes and opaque tights. They have decided they have what it takes to throw a Masquerade Ball. Other saucy peasants are not so convinced. Come watch the peasants attempt royalty and see what it does to their human spirit.
Austin-grown NunaMaana Immersive Dance Theater presents an epic evening of bootydroppin’ Shakespearean festivities. A Peasants’ Holiday Masquerade is an interactive, comedic, dance theater performance. For this show the company enlists their unique, cutting-edge style in which there is no stage. A group of tawdry, goat-farming-peasants have gotten their hands on a few elegant robes and opaque tights. They have decided they have what it takes to throw a Masquerade Ball. Other saucy peasants are not so convinced. Come watch the peasants attempt royalty and see what it does to their human spirit.
Austin-grown NunaMaana Immersive Dance Theater presents an epic evening of bootydroppin’ Shakespearean festivities. A Peasants’ Holiday Masquerade is an interactive, comedic, dance theater performance. For this show the company enlists their unique, cutting-edge style in which there is no stage. A group of tawdry, goat-farming-peasants have gotten their hands on a few elegant robes and opaque tights. They have decided they have what it takes to throw a Masquerade Ball. Other saucy peasants are not so convinced. Come watch the peasants attempt royalty and see what it does to their human spirit.