Over the Lege is a political satire show focused solely on the Texas Legislature and brings together political insiders, improv actors, and comedy writers to expose the shenanigans of the Texas Legislature. Comedic legend Tom Booker directs; Denise Hudson provides musical accompaniment; Janet Maykus and Amy Lowrey lead an incredible cast of comedians.
Over the Lege is presented in two acts. In the first, audience will say “wait, is that really true?” while guffawing at the policies and actions from the legislature (yes, they passed a law allowing to hunt feral hogs from a hot air balloon). In the second, host, Stephanie Chiarello interviews a real Texas political celebrity, and then welcomes a panel of “colleagues”--aka improvisers--to further shed light on the operations of the Texas Legislature.
Guests include Representative Celia Israel, Senator Kirk Watson, Representative Sarah Davis, and Speaker Pro-Tem Joe Moody.
Over the Lege is a political satire show focused solely on the Texas Legislature and brings together political insiders, improv actors, and comedy writers to expose the shenanigans of the Texas Legislature. Comedic legend Tom Booker directs; Denise Hudson provides musical accompaniment; Janet Maykus and Amy Lowrey lead an incredible cast of comedians.
Over the Lege is presented in two acts. In the first, audience will say “wait, is that really true?” while guffawing at the policies and actions from the legislature (yes, they passed a law allowing to hunt feral hogs from a hot air balloon). In the second, host, Stephanie Chiarello interviews a real Texas political celebrity, and then welcomes a panel of “colleagues”--aka improvisers--to further shed light on the operations of the Texas Legislature.
Guests include Representative Celia Israel, Senator Kirk Watson, Representative Sarah Davis, and Speaker Pro-Tem Joe Moody.
Over the Lege is a political satire show focused solely on the Texas Legislature and brings together political insiders, improv actors, and comedy writers to expose the shenanigans of the Texas Legislature. Comedic legend Tom Booker directs; Denise Hudson provides musical accompaniment; Janet Maykus and Amy Lowrey lead an incredible cast of comedians.
Over the Lege is presented in two acts. In the first, audience will say “wait, is that really true?” while guffawing at the policies and actions from the legislature (yes, they passed a law allowing to hunt feral hogs from a hot air balloon). In the second, host, Stephanie Chiarello interviews a real Texas political celebrity, and then welcomes a panel of “colleagues”--aka improvisers--to further shed light on the operations of the Texas Legislature.
Guests include Representative Celia Israel, Senator Kirk Watson, Representative Sarah Davis, and Speaker Pro-Tem Joe Moody.