Ghost Quartet is a happily haunted musical about love, death, and whisky. Listen in as four friends drink and spin yarns about two fairy tale sisters, a tree house astronomer and a lazy evil bear, a subway tragedy and the ghost of Thelonious Monk. As the evening winds on and glasses empty, audience will realize that the narrative threads are interweaving into a centuries-long tale of encounters with the otherworldly. Ghost Quartet seductively pulls the desire to believe in ghosts and subtly asks why these stories continue to endure and multiply in the human imagination.
There will be two additional performances on October 31 and November 1 at The Driskill Hotel. The performance on October 31 will feature pre-show ghost stories told by resident ghost expert, Nathan Jerkins, where guests can learn how the Driskill Hotel came to be haunted and perhaps experience a phantom or two. On November 1, Round Rock Ballet Folklórico will perform in honor of Día de los Muertos and discuss the importance of the holiday.
Ghost Quartet is a happily haunted musical about love, death, and whisky. Listen in as four friends drink and spin yarns about two fairy tale sisters, a tree house astronomer and a lazy evil bear, a subway tragedy and the ghost of Thelonious Monk. As the evening winds on and glasses empty, audience will realize that the narrative threads are interweaving into a centuries-long tale of encounters with the otherworldly. Ghost Quartet seductively pulls the desire to believe in ghosts and subtly asks why these stories continue to endure and multiply in the human imagination.
There will be two additional performances on October 31 and November 1 at The Driskill Hotel. The performance on October 31 will feature pre-show ghost stories told by resident ghost expert, Nathan Jerkins, where guests can learn how the Driskill Hotel came to be haunted and perhaps experience a phantom or two. On November 1, Round Rock Ballet Folklórico will perform in honor of Día de los Muertos and discuss the importance of the holiday.
Ghost Quartet is a happily haunted musical about love, death, and whisky. Listen in as four friends drink and spin yarns about two fairy tale sisters, a tree house astronomer and a lazy evil bear, a subway tragedy and the ghost of Thelonious Monk. As the evening winds on and glasses empty, audience will realize that the narrative threads are interweaving into a centuries-long tale of encounters with the otherworldly. Ghost Quartet seductively pulls the desire to believe in ghosts and subtly asks why these stories continue to endure and multiply in the human imagination.
There will be two additional performances on October 31 and November 1 at The Driskill Hotel. The performance on October 31 will feature pre-show ghost stories told by resident ghost expert, Nathan Jerkins, where guests can learn how the Driskill Hotel came to be haunted and perhaps experience a phantom or two. On November 1, Round Rock Ballet Folklórico will perform in honor of Día de los Muertos and discuss the importance of the holiday.