The Riveter will host a sneak peek of the dark comedy short film, An Uncomfortable Woman, Meghan Ross's directorial debut. The event will feature performances from Irielle Wesley, Say Uncle, Ashley Overton, Glam Fam, Carina Magyar, and talent from the film - Haley Alea Erickson and Carlton Wilcoxson.
The event will include complimentary snacks, drinks, comedy, and photo booth fun.
The Riveter will host a sneak peek of the dark comedy short film, An Uncomfortable Woman,Meghan Ross's directorial debut. The event will feature performances from Irielle Wesley, Say Uncle, Ashley Overton, Glam Fam, Carina Magyar, and talent from the film - Haley Alea Erickson and Carlton Wilcoxson.
The event will include complimentary snacks, drinks, comedy, and photo booth fun.
The Riveter will host a sneak peek of the dark comedy short film, An Uncomfortable Woman,Meghan Ross's directorial debut. The event will feature performances from Irielle Wesley, Say Uncle, Ashley Overton, Glam Fam, Carina Magyar, and talent from the film - Haley Alea Erickson and Carlton Wilcoxson.
The event will include complimentary snacks, drinks, comedy, and photo booth fun.