Saint Arnold's Pub Crawl is hitting the road again and returning to Rainey St. Guests can visit the first four stops in any order, and get tickets at whichever stop they decide to visit first. Tickets will only be handed out between 2-3 pm.
At 6 pm, everybody will gather at the final stop, where prizes will be awarded. The prize for making all five stops will be a lovely Saint Arnold pint glass. As always, designated drivers are both eligible for the award and encouraged to attend.
Stops include:
- Bar 96
- Clive Bar
- Bangers
- Icenhauer’s
Final Stop:
- Craft Pride
Saint Arnold's Pub Crawl is hitting the road again and returning to Rainey St. Guests can visit the first four stops in any order, and get tickets at whichever stop they decide to visit first. Tickets will only be handed out between 2-3 pm.
At 6 pm, everybody will gather at the final stop, where prizes will be awarded. The prize for making all five stops will be a lovely Saint Arnold pint glass. As always, designated drivers are both eligible for the award and encouraged to attend.
Stops include:
- Bar 96
- Clive Bar
- Bangers
- Icenhauer’s
Final Stop:
- Craft Pride
Saint Arnold's Pub Crawl is hitting the road again and returning to Rainey St. Guests can visit the first four stops in any order, and get tickets at whichever stop they decide to visit first. Tickets will only be handed out between 2-3 pm.
At 6 pm, everybody will gather at the final stop, where prizes will be awarded. The prize for making all five stops will be a lovely Saint Arnold pint glass. As always, designated drivers are both eligible for the award and encouraged to attend.
Stops include:
- Bar 96
- Clive Bar
- Bangers
- Icenhauer’s
Final Stop:
- Craft Pride