Curated by co-producing artistic directors Florinda Bryant, Jenny Larson, and Diana Lynn Small, Salvage Vanguard will present The Three-Headed Festival of New Plays, including three weekends of solo performances that examine the fears and beasts ruling U.S. American life.
- Mad and a Goat by Diana Lynn Small - Mad and a Goat is a two-woman show about one woman who, to free herself from college debt, joins a Wyoming goat farm she inherits from her occult-leader birth parents. Seduction. Biscuits. Goats. Money.
- You Never Can Always Sometimes Tell (work-in-progress) by Stacey Karen Robinson - Stacey Karen Robinson performs her new solo exploration. Mixing song, movement and her distinctive storytelling style.
- It’s a Travesty! One Night with Jazzie Mercado! by Travis Tate - It’s a Travesty! One Night with Jazzie Mercado! is a glitter-bombed elegy for the distances working to separate from oneself. Using song & spell, the show confesses & confounds our own personal histories, bodies, & loves, not so we may leave those things behind, but so we may carry those things with us, & so we may call this healing.
Curated by co-producing artistic directors Florinda Bryant, Jenny Larson, and Diana Lynn Small, Salvage Vanguard will present The Three-Headed Festival of New Plays, including three weekends of solo performances that examine the fears and beasts ruling U.S. American life.
- Mad and a Goat by Diana Lynn Small - Mad and a Goat is a two-woman show about one woman who, to free herself from college debt, joins a Wyoming goat farm she inherits from her occult-leader birth parents. Seduction. Biscuits. Goats. Money.
- You Never Can Always Sometimes Tell (work-in-progress) by Stacey Karen Robinson - Stacey Karen Robinson performs her new solo exploration. Mixing song, movement and her distinctive storytelling style.
- It’s a Travesty! One Night with Jazzie Mercado! by Travis Tate - It’s a Travesty! One Night with Jazzie Mercado! is a glitter-bombed elegy for the distances working to separate from oneself. Using song & spell, the show confesses & confounds our own personal histories, bodies, & loves, not so we may leave those things behind, but so we may carry those things with us, & so we may call this healing.
Curated by co-producing artistic directors Florinda Bryant, Jenny Larson, and Diana Lynn Small, Salvage Vanguard will present The Three-Headed Festival of New Plays, including three weekends of solo performances that examine the fears and beasts ruling U.S. American life.
- Mad and a Goat by Diana Lynn Small - Mad and a Goat is a two-woman show about one woman who, to free herself from college debt, joins a Wyoming goat farm she inherits from her occult-leader birth parents. Seduction. Biscuits. Goats. Money.
- You Never Can Always Sometimes Tell (work-in-progress) by Stacey Karen Robinson - Stacey Karen Robinson performs her new solo exploration. Mixing song, movement and her distinctive storytelling style.
- It’s a Travesty! One Night with Jazzie Mercado! by Travis Tate - It’s a Travesty! One Night with Jazzie Mercado! is a glitter-bombed elegy for the distances working to separate from oneself. Using song & spell, the show confesses & confounds our own personal histories, bodies, & loves, not so we may leave those things behind, but so we may carry those things with us, & so we may call this healing.