Soundcheck, presented by Six Square and sponsored by Tito’s Vodka, is a musical exploration series featuring local Black artists and musicians. In the midst of COVID-19, artists and musicians that have traditionally relied on residencies at venues and major gigs are now facing minimal opportunities for paid work. Six Square’s Soundcheck aims to provide paid gigs for Black performers as well as elevate and highlight the musical treasures within Black Austin.
The virtual show will start with a performance by Shelbi Alexandria, followed by a panel discussion moderated by Chip Belton, and close out with performances by Blackillac and Jackie Venson.
Soundcheck, presented by Six Square and sponsored by Tito’s Vodka, is a musical exploration series featuring local Black artists and musicians. In the midst of COVID-19, artists and musicians that have traditionally relied on residencies at venues and major gigs are now facing minimal opportunities for paid work. Six Square’s Soundcheck aims to provide paid gigs for Black performers as well as elevate and highlight the musical treasures within Black Austin.
The virtual show will start with a performance by Shelbi Alexandria, followed by a panel discussion moderated by Chip Belton, and close out with performances by Blackillac and Jackie Venson.
Soundcheck, presented by Six Square and sponsored by Tito’s Vodka, is a musical exploration series featuring local Black artists and musicians. In the midst of COVID-19, artists and musicians that have traditionally relied on residencies at venues and major gigs are now facing minimal opportunities for paid work. Six Square’s Soundcheck aims to provide paid gigs for Black performers as well as elevate and highlight the musical treasures within Black Austin.
The virtual show will start with a performance by Shelbi Alexandria, followed by a panel discussion moderated by Chip Belton, and close out with performances by Blackillac and Jackie Venson.